Here are a few of the English-speaking schools located on Phuket Island. Our staff at Dreamhomephuket.com can provide you with additional information on the schools cited below, or any other questions that you might have about Phuket Island, Thailand
British international school.This is certainly the most famous and also the largest of all the International schools located on Phuket Island. BIS provides a Pre-school, Primary and Secondary school education. The examinations are offered in the IB Diploma, IGCSE, and Cambridge ESOL. The campus is huge, the buildings are many, and the security on the school grounds is extremely tight, and rigidly enforced 24 hours a day. Hundreds of students attend classes here on a daily basis. Located in Koh Koew area, about 30 minutes from the International Airport.

Q.S.I. – Quality international school. This school, is located 5 minutes from Central mall, and is set-back from the main-highway in a quite & natural setting. Children from all age-groups learn and play together, with a focus on problem-solving and personal communication skills between the children and the teachers, and the children and other children.
KIS – Kajonkiet international school.Children from 2 years old until 15 years old are admitted to this School. The School is set on a spacious campus grounds, and children are allowed to enroll two-times per school-year. The focus is on both basic-knowledge skills, as well as interacting with the other students, cultivating your’ child’s social-skills.
PIA – Phuket international academy. The school located in the beautiful-grounds of the Thanyapura sport complex, 10 minutes from the International Airport. This School emphasizes heart, mind & body as the areas focused upon while your’ child is in school here. The sports complex holds world championship competitions in many sports throughout the year, and your’ child will be given proper training and participate in all such sports which are located upon the school/sports complex grounds. A security gate with guard is on-station 24 hours a day for anyone coming or going from the school/sports complex.